Monday, April 16, 2012


What is it about inspirational songs and such that can just get to you? A year ago I sang in a choir that was part of a performance by Ann Reed. If you are unfamiliar with her she is, I suppose you would say, a folk singer. She hails from MN. I don't want to say her music is only for lesbians because it isn't, but that is more or less how she got started. But she has gone on from there. Now, her music speaks to all. Back, I don't know when, she wrote a song called "Heroes". I encourage you to take a listen. It is absolutely wonderful. She tells of how after the song came out, teachers, young girls, classes as a whole would write her to tell her the impact the song had on them. It is so incredibly powerful. All the "Heroes" are women.
She gave this performance again this past weekend. I could not sing this time so enjoyed it from the audience. She is not alone in this presentation. She has 4 incredibly gifted women who sing as well, a bass player and a pianist. The choir enters mainly at the end and sings some songs that celebrate women. Thru speaking and song she/they tell the stories of women. The whole premise of the performance is to make us stop and look and listen to stories about these heroes. A hero is someone who fights for a cause. These heroes all happen to be women. Take a look at the list of heroes and think about it. These are all women that did something that affected history, changed history,made history.
At the beginning of the show she asked about heroes we might have now or had. The only woman that still appears regularly on any list is Eleanor Roosevelt. The women on her heroes list are amazing. At one time I wanted to read about them all. Maybe I should put that on my bucket list, to read at least one book about each of them.
I really can't say why hearing this song affects me so. I think mainly I am just so in awe of what can be done and the fortitude that these women had at their particular time in history. They worked with people, mainly men, that despised them or gave them no credit at all. They worked against incredible odds, most of them.
What is it that gives some people the vision and the drive to persevere when the odds are so bad?What helps them keep their head up and march on knowing that what they are pursuing is the right thing to do? Are there women out there doing it today? Not the Lindsey Lohans or the Taylor Swifts. Do we have a Barbara Jordan or a Shirley Chisholm? Who can the young ladies, the women of the future look up to and say "Yes I can"? Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman?? I think not. Maybe Hilary Clinton, Barbara Boxer maybe. Even I, at 60, can't pull any to the front of my brain. Where are the women who aren't stars, athletes, or hookers?
They say that the political climate has become very woman unfriendly. I would have to agree. As women we have to take care of ourselves but we also have to care for the young women who are our future. We have to let them know that "I can do that thing which I think I can not do..."
It's not about beauty and looks, a tiara or needing a man to survive. That seems to be the focus in today's society. These young ladies must work to gain confidence and an inherent sense of self worth.
I'd like to see a female president before the end of my lifetime. At the rate we're going, we probably won't have any women in any party with authority. But we must! In 8 years, 2020, we mark 100 yrs of women having the right to vote. There are heroes out there. We must look for them and when found, support them in any way possible. Take the time to listen to this wonderful song and look for your heroes. WL

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where Have You Been?

That is indeed what I often wonder or at least I'm sure some have thought since I was at one time gung-ho about this blog. And then I let it go or rather dwindle.I've tried, or have I? There are so many times when I've thought, now is the time, write it down. And I haven't. Why not start 2012 with a goal to keep this up-to-date and yet here it is, Feb.1st and finally I'm at it.Life is not about excuses is it? It's just about getting it started, working on and completing.
Looking back on my first full year of retirement I must admit that I struggled. I struggled with the what do I do now? Do I have to do anything now? What about my friends, they are still working, I have no connection. Do I really matter? I know, it was a real "pity party" wasn't it. Not always spoken but that's what it was like inside. I struggled with me, I struggled with my partner, I struggled with the change in income.Man I really could go on and on about me,me,me!
I came out of it thank goodness. I am comfortable with where I'm at and really, where we're at. I may have said this in previous posts, what few there are, that the biggest change for me was the change in income. While our finances allowed for an early retirement, it did not mean that the money saved and avaiable could nor should be used right away. It has to last for a long time. I'm not going to belabor this point but it did give me a slap in the face and make me look at what is important now and what I/we want to do in the future. So while I thought we'd go on all these great trips and see things....the house still has to be paid for, cared for. We still have to eat and we have a number of animals to care for. We support our church, our town, our habits. Well, you get the picture.
So then, where am I at? I enrolled in the U of Minn. Master Gardner class and am in the process of taking classes now. Talk about venturing into something different. Kind of I suppose, but not really, since we do live in the woods and I do have plants about. I thought this would be an opportunity to learn more and then teach others. Well let me tell you. I may be learning but it is a slooooooow process. I am at this point completely overwhelmed. I'm hoping to meet my mentor and learn how it all works in about a week. We'll learn more as time goes on.
The pastors at my church asked me about Parish Nursing. I had often thought about this so it's not like it scared me. It's just been one of those things that I've thought of and then let it go til the next time it runs through my mind. Now I've been asked to consider it. I am doing that and will likely take a course the end of March to help me further develop the plan. Now that again, that would be an area out of my comfort zone, but then again, an opportunity for growth.
So you see, I am on the road to recovery if you will. Updates on the family. Bob, the cat died in Dec. We added a one-eyed cat named Jack. Baby Prince has been accepted into the local branch of Americorps and will be starting that job in Feb. He will be doing outside work in parks and woods and whatever here in SE Mn and possibly neighboring states. It runs for 10mo. He is very excited, and so are we, for him. He is still dating Ms A. We love her dearly and we have seen so much growth in both of them. I/we are very proud of BP. A young man with still no life career plans but lots of ideas and skills and he is so funny and well...what can I say? We'll see how it plays out.
Wow, once back, it all pours out. I really, really hope to stay at it. Hang in there my friends or whoever you may be. We shall see! WL

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

An anniversary and time marches on.

I mean really, where does the time go? Seems like a lot of stuff lately which makes me reflect. This past weekend was my nephew's wedding. Why I remember when he was just 2 yrs old. I think I took pictures of him in leaves at about this time of year. Now he's married. He has married a nice young lady. They both work for a good company in the cities. The only down side to it all, they are both quite Republican. I/we had so much fun at the wedding. It was in a very small rural church and the reception at the State park. Nice and simple really. Not too much for family. Speaking of family... I have a great one.
These two young kids (well not really kids, both in their 30s) but kids non-the-less put this wedding together on a very limited budget. The father of the bride didn't come through with the flowers, but he managed to put some nice arrangements together once he found Hy-Vee in Rochester at about 11pm the night before! But we all rallied round the bride and assured her it would work out. But you do realize the little things that need to get done that nobody thought of. Like scrambling for a table for gifts and a basket for cards. Not to mention pulling together some tablecloths for said table. Where to put the guest book and "memory" board.  My brother David and Ms K put the champagne glasses together and served. Otherwise it would have sat there. You can see how lots of $$$ can be spent in no time. The whole family rallied to make it a success and also worked clean-up detail the next day. They had good DJs and the music selection was good. I must say that Ms K and I did some serious dancing!! Ooooo my hips the next day. Damn they aren't quite as flexible. It was also very much fun to see BP and Ms A having a good time. They both looked very nice. Good looking and very handsome!!
The next day, Ms A had to work but BP really wanted to go on a walk into the woods with his moms. Actually, Ms K and BP both wanted to show me where they had been fishing the week we were camping. It was catch and release but they both had fish they caught and they wanted to show me where that was. Sunday was warm but the hiking was nice and the scenery beautiful not to mention the company. Thoughts now of when BP was younger and we went hiking a lot. It makes me feel so good that he still very much likes doing things with us. He calls at least once a week if not twice, just to check in as he says. Ms A met us later and we went to eat at the Elba House and had a great time. Talking about the wedding and the weekend in general.
Now here I am reflecting on time and pondering the fact that Ms K and I have been together 33yrs. Now that my friends is a long time. But not really, just a midpoint isn't it? I probably should write a piece on how  we ended up together and here. I really didn't give her much of a choice. I pretty much told her I was coming back to MN after my time in the Navy and if she wanted to come that was it. I wasn't going to wait around. Did I love her at the time and consider it a lifetime commitment? Not really. She loved me but I don't think I realized I loved her until maybe a year later and then one night it was like, my god I think I love this woman and I want her to stick around. Then at some point we bought rings and one day we took them out and she said, "Will you be my friend forever?" "Yes, and you mine?" "Yes. Okay then there you have it." It hasn't always been easy. She has quite a temper and I don't spend $ wisely. But we've learned and we've grown. There were trying times while raising BP. Ms K is type A and I think finished in the top 5 of a HS class of over 600. School for me was so-so. We have a son who is very talented but did not strive to excel in school and pretty much drove her crazy. I nearly got an ulcer trying to keep a semblance of order and sanity as he got thru school. To both of our credit, he has turned out to be a very nice young man. Still looking to find his way, but a very nice and responsible young man. And so, time does indeed march on. Saw one of my best friends last night and realized it had been waaaay too long since last we spoke. Out here in the woods is nice, but not as easy as it should be to see old friends. As I say that though, that's really a lousy excuse. It really is just a matter of making and taking the time...because it doesn't just marches on. WL

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Has it really been since the 11th of Sept that I was last in here? I can't believe that. But yes, it's true. Where in the hell did the month of Sept. go? The calendar says Oct but that can't be! Nooooooo!!!!
So much time has passed that I don't even know what topics to cover. Ms K and I were quite busy helping a friend build a big brick oven. We learned to pour concrete. Just one of those handy little things it's nice to know living out here in the woods like we do. You never know when you might have to pour a slab or two somewhere. With the help we've given him over the summer I think we're set with pizzas and bread for life.
We helped on a Habitat for Humanity House and working there I learned to hang siding. I even got to use my very own electric drill. I didn't just have to hold it or hand it to someone...I got to use it on my own. Nails in and out, all by myself. I learned the hard way that the siding has to be locked in or things get all out of whack and then you have to take down all the siding you've put up and lock in that which you've missed and proceed up from there. I'm glad I learned that early on in the project. The young lady who is going to be living in the house with her husband and son was very nice. She was up on the ladder and scaffolding with me. She proceeded to tell me about the 3 jobs she is working and how she coordinates them all. I didn't complain about anything, all day.
Last week Ms K and I went camping at Whitewater SP. We got in very late on Sunday night. Set the tent up and went to bed. Next morning I had to call and check to see that I didn't have jury duty. I had to drive to where I could get phone reception. Car dead as a door-nail, panic. Can you go to jail for skipping your duty???  I rode my bike to the ranger station and carried back a charger to get it started. Success on the car and no jury duty. It proceeded to rain the whole day...we slept the afternoon away as the night's sleep had been shitty to say the least. Woke to pouring rain and wetness in the tent. Waited for the rains to cease and then got things dried out and put together right. It seems that if you set your tent up in the dark...some things aren't put on right. Darn! But we were now going to stay dry. BP showed up. Can't keep him from a tent site if he knows where there is one to park himself. I knew he'd come so I brought out the steaks and we had a great meal. I had one cooler full of nothing but beer.Oh, there was some Amaretto in there as well as some Baileys. We slept great and stayed dry.
Next day I had to take my Mom to the clinic in the AM and was going to meet her at ten. She lives on the family farm which is about 12 mi. from the park. Car dead as a door-nail, panic! Can you go to jail for parental neglect??? Rode my bike to the Ranger station with the "second verse, same as the first". Charger in hand back to car. Oh, called my mother from the ranger station. She came and picked me up. Car started. Well, we can't keep doing this so Ms K decided to take the car and go home, get the battery receipt and get a replacement. Long story short, it took her 2 tries to get a battery that worked. The store dude gave her one that didn't fit the first time. Although she told him it was not going to work, hell what does a woman know anyways. Oh that reminds me on the first day I asked the lady at the ranger station about the charger and she said she didn't know how to use it but ,"Don't you have a man with you? He'll know." I left with no comment. Car battery charged up and Ms K returned to the camp but not until about 5:30 pm. The whole day was shot with those damn batteries. More Amaretto and Baileys...a good night's sleep.
Wed. arrived and was absolutely drop dead gorgeous. The valley was beautiful. We had hauled the bikes with us so we took them off and went on a ride. At about the 7 mi mark, here comes mom with a lunch she had made. We told her that we'd meet her at the site. We rode about 2 mi more and then headed back. Back at the site were not only mom but BP and his lady Ms A. Mom rolled out this warm, scrumptious quiche, warm squash and then apple brownies with warm, rich, sinfully delicious caramel sauce. OMG it was soooo good. Ms K and BP went fishing for the afternoon. I, my mom and Ms A sat by the fire and either read or slept. They eventually left and I just read and waited for the fisherman to get back. When they returned it was time for brats. Yummy!
Thursday started with me waking in a panic to the sound of raindrops. Shit, I did not want things in the screen tent to get wet. Up and out to shut all sides of the screen. Back to sleep for 2 more hours and then the weather was much nicer.....for a while. But alas, the WINDS picked up and if it was not staked down, it would have been bad. Pack out day and we did, JUST as the heavens opened again. Rain, not sun. Before we left to take a shower, we decided by golly since we have these bikes, we're going to ride them again. We did, in a steady rain just to say we did and then, finally home!! Camping is never just set up the tent and laze around. It is always an adventure of some sort! It was so very beautiful. I love this time of year. I love the colors, I love the smells. I love the cool crisp mornings and nights. Good sleeping weather.
Oh my, just to catch up has taken a lot of time. I'd better get to bed and maybe continue tomorrow. So far the car has continued to start. I still have the tent to open up and clean but the dishes are clean and put away. Man I have to get to bed, but dang it, Faye Ray just threw up so gotta clean that up. And on that note I bid adieu. WL

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Today is of course a day of historical significance. There are many things that are being written about and lots of emotions felt by all, that have been, and are being shared. At the church service this morning some of us were talking about the events that have marked generations. For my parents it was Pearl Harbor, for me it was JFK,Bobby Kennedy and MLK. Then there was Challenger, Oklahoma City and  9/11. All events involving violence of some sort. How sad isn't it that these are the things that bring us together? Do we ever celebrate the wonderful events that bring us together? But then again, can you really think of any "mass" happy events that occur? Perhaps it is the events that involve sadness that cause us to bond because at times like that we put ourselves in other people's shoes and think,"Man what if that were me? What if that were my partner, my child, my family that had been killed?" We do the same thing with every disaster. The tornado might have been here. The fires could easily start near here. The happy things occur in small places and are felt by smaller groups because it is the small people who are doing the cleaning up and helping each other. It is in small towns and communities where the true caring comes out. There is no major press coverage.
For me it was a day with many emotions. A church service filled with remembrances but also a celebration of youth and ministry and a wish for peace everywhere. There was much music and singing,followed by a picnic and a sense of community. Then it was off to my sister's for a wedding shower. Time with family and friends. Loud sisters and confusing conversation....what else is new?! After everyone had left, I and Ms K had some time with my sister Janet. Today would have been her son Karl's 30th birthday. My other sisters had remembered and brought roses for the day. We drove to the cemetery and wished him a Happy Birthday and left our roses. We shared some thoughts and some memories.
It's a crazy world isn't it? Happy, sad, happy, sad and so it goes on and on. Would that we could all live together and get along. The reality is we know that it is never going to happen. We can and should keep hoping that it would be so. To give up is not good, but it is easy. Now that I'm writing this and thinking about it more, isn't it interesting that we ALL could be on the same page for one day. We ALL remembered. We ALL listened. We ALL loved our country. We ALL wanted peace and happiness.
And tomorrow will start a new week and things will go back to the way they were. We won't forget, but that sense of togetherness will be gone. So does that make me happy or sad? I guess I'd have to say a little of both. Sad that the sense of "camaraderie" is gone but happy in a way because we can find it within ourselves to go on. Life isn't easy and it does feel rather schizophrenic at times. Happy, sad,happy sad...or a little of both. You decide.... WL

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Visiting Elderly Ladies

I warned you that I might not do as well at this as I had envisioned. The whole idea behind having a blog is probably that you keep it updated fairly regularly. There is stuff happening everyday which warrants some thought I would say. Well it wasn't like I didn't know myself. The day will come when a person can probably speak and it will be typed somewhere remotely or even thought and then typed somewhere. Scary shit wouldn't you say?
Truthfully, there is always something somewhere or something that makes me think,I really should take the time to write these thoughts down. Why not do it then? Something else always pushes the time aside. But enough whining about what I can and can't get done.
Yesterday and today I visited with some older folks that are members of the church I attend here in Z-town. One of our pastors is away and I volunteered to help out by making these visits. A good step for me, because sometimes I say I'm going to do something and I actually just kind of let the idea fade away. This time I followed through. I visited 3 women. The youngest was 82. She remembered me from years ago when she was able to attend church. She asked about Ms K and the G-man. She knew that I had retired and asked all kinds of questions as to what I was doing now. I kept thinking to myself, I sincerely hope I can remember as much at that age. Sadly I know that I won't, because I have a hard time now remembering what I did earlier in the week. Ask me about the first of the month and it's all gone!!
Today I visited with a lady who is 101. She will be 102 the end of Dec. She is living in her own home, fixes her own meals and gets around quite well with her walker. She has lived in Z-town since age 9. She was not familiar with my name so I had to give her a background on where I grew up and such. She proceeded to tell me about her sons and grandchildren and great grandchildren. She had very strong opinions on how children are being raised today. Particularly troubling for her was the fact that the moms are working and not raising their children. They think somebody else is doing it and nobody is doing it. It bothered her a great deal. And another thing that irked her is that they(kids today) are not taught to save their money. They have to spend,spend, spend. That's why we are in the mess we are in! What could I say? She has a point about the money. The mothers working, well......that's another issue. I did so enjoy listening to her and relating some of her history. I asked her what invention or change she thought had influenced or changed the world in her lifetime and she thought it was electricity. Again, sharp as a tack. Limited vision but surprisingly good hearing. But then I have a loud voice so that helps.
And finally lady # 3 I visited at the nursing home. She it turns out is 96. Is blind but again, decent hearing. She told me about her daughter and grandchildren. We talked about the president having visited our town and the excitement that brought. Again, had to give a personal history. She, it turns out, is of German heritage as am I so that was nice. Of course in all visits, they related their health histories but not to the extreme. This last lady said that it was hard sometimes to face each day because all those she knew have died. That kind of made me feel sad. She too had ideas on kids today but not quite as strong as the previous.She was definitely against the war and thought there were just too many people in the world and that we lived too long. That comment prompted the previous on her friends and family dying and having few left. She felt the change that was significant was the technology. Because of that, the post offices will close! Needless to say in all these cases the time went quickly. My oh my, it was a pleasure to listen to them.
With these visits then, one can be reflective. Have I lived a decent life? Have I made my contributions? When I am that age, will I be up on current affairs? Will I still be with it? Will I be able to carry on a decent conversation? Of course we can't see into the future. We just have to do the best we can right now and try to store those memories so they can be told again...someday. I'm also banking on the fact that I have friends and family that will visit me and remember to keep me a part of the human race. My goal with all of this is to visit these ladies again and to keep doing puzzles and such to keep my mind sharp. The history these ladies had and told was amazing. We should all be so blessed to have it together that long. I'm banking on it!! WL

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pizza Night on the Farm

Just returned from a very nice evenings with friends. We drove to Stockholm, WI to have "Pizza on the Farm". What's the big deal you say. The answer my dear friends is "atmosphere". This place is probably only known because of word of mouth. No, I think there may have been something in a paper somewhere about it. But really, you take some county roads that wander up above Stockholm, they turn to gravel and then to the farm. What is unique about the place is that they cook the pizzas in these 3, I think there were, brick ovens. You get there early and claim a spot to set up your place to eat. You put down a blanket or table, chairs, whatever you feel like. You bring all your own drinks, utensils, whatever you want for the meal. Then you order your pizzas. Depending on the crowd you wait anywhere from 30" or more. Get the food and then eat with your friends, drink your beverage and enjoy the out of doors. Today the terrible heat had dissipated and there were no mosquitoes. Friend Dave had ordered so I never really saw what the options were. The pizzas were great. One had lots of veggies on it, spinach, peppers, onions and beets. There were some other veggies on it too I think. Boy oh boy were they good. All of them...good. Oh, did I mention how good everything was??!! I can tell you though they are not cheap. 20+/ pizza but worth  it I would say.  This place is only open on Tues. from 4:30 - 8. And they do it every Tues. year round. We talked about doing it in the winter. Wouldn't that be interesting?
Baby Prince returned from the Boundary Waters after having gone with the youth from the church. He was a chaperone. From how he talked and talked, he had a great time. Caught lots of fish, had some nice young men in his group. I asked him what his favorite times were and he went on to say, "Skipping rocks. I could skip rocks for a long time. I skipped rocks every night that I could. I just love skipping rocks." I can tell you that he learned from the best, me that is. I too love skipping rocks.Whenever we camped we found rocks to skip and he always tried and eventually did beat me for the number of skips. So much fun. It takes time to be a good rock skipper, that I can tell you!! The other favorite part was the fishing, catching so many and just having that thrill. He told a story of a HUGE one that got away....or so he claims. I love listening to him talk about his adventures. He got home on Sat, so Ms AJ of course beat feet out here to see him. We had a nice meal, good wine and good conversation.
Thank goodness the heat has let up because Ms K and I are going to cut some trees for some friends tomorrow. It shouldn't take too long. We're planning to get an early start. So for this week I'm living up to being a Lady in the Woods. Always love starting the chainsaw. Love the smell of cut wood. Gotta stop and just take a deep breath. Crazy I know.
Other goings on. I'm getting some produce from my garden but not like it should. In particular I have thick, thick, bushy, string beans, but have only harvested a small portion. I'm starting to think it's related to honey bees and their demise. I don't know, but things aren't producing like they should. Lots of blossoms but no fruit. Same story for the cucumbers. My grass on the other hand keeps on going. Need to mow again.
Tonight is one of those nights where I could probably go on and on but I'd better wrap it up. Let this pizza and beer wear off. BP called just to say hey. I love it when he does that. Well, I'm off to the couch to watch the Twins get beat and then to the bed. Sweet dreams all....WL